Dear devotees and friends,
I would like to convey my hearty greetings to all of you on the completion of the first month of my stay here in the Vedanta Society of Portland Oregon on January 29th 2016.
I am very happy to observe that the devotees participate in all the programmes conducted by the Vedanta Society including daily formal worship at 12 noon and vesper service at 6:30 p.m. and also the weekly classes very sincerely and with dedication. Therefore we would like to take our devotees in to confidence to take decisions.
All these traditions were started and maintained meticulously my predecessors specially Revered Swamis Asheshanandaji Maharaj and Shantarupanandaji Maharaj and it is the fruit of their hard works that we are enjoying now. We all are very grateful for the kindness and compassion of such stalwarts.
There is a little difficulty regarding the daily noon worship which we need to solve. According to the scriptural injunction the offerings to the deities are to be made in the forenoon i.e., before 12 noon. It is being done after 12 noon understandably due to the health problems of the Swamis that they suffered at their old age. Secondly, we have received a suggestion from a devotee for change in noon worship timing so that the devotees can adopt a healthy practice of taking lunch at about 12 noon.
In view of the above we feel that it would be better if the daily formal worship starts at 11:00 a.m. and completed before 12 noon (except for Sundays). It is hoped that this change will not cause any difficulty for those who attend the worship regularly or those who come occasionally. This can be started from the auspicious occasion of Vasanta Panchami on February 12th 2016.
Please email us if there is any questions, suggestion or concerns to vedantapdx@gmail.com.
Thanking you,
Yours in the services of the Divine,
Swami Chandrashekharananda