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Audio Vesper Service

Song 1       A Hymn to the God-Man

                       by Swami Vivekananda      Sanskritised Bengali


khaṇḍana-bhava-bandhana, jaga-vandana, vandi tomāy |

nirañ­jana nara-rūpa-dhara (repeat) nirguṇa guṇamay.  ||1


mocana-agha-dūshaṇa, jaga-bhūshaṇa, cid-ghana kāy |

jnān-ānjana vimala-nayana (repeat) vīkshaṇe moha-jāy ||  2

bhāsvara bhāva sāgara, chira-unmada, prema-pāthār |

bhaktārjana yugala-charaṇa (repeat) tāraṇa bhava-pār ||  3


jṛmbhita yuga īśvara, jagad-īśvara, yoga-sahāy |

nirodhana samāhita-mana, (repeat) nirakhi tava-kṛpāy ||  4


bhanjana dukha-ganjana, karuṇā-ghana, karma-kaṭhor |

prāṇārpaṇa jagata-tāraṇa, (repeat) kṛntana-kali-ḍor ||   5


vañcana-kāma-kāñcana, ati-nindita, indriya-rāg |

tyāgīśvara he nara-vara, (repeat) deha pade anurāg ||   6


nirbhaya gata-samśaya, dṛḍha-niśchaya, mānasa-vān |

niṣkāraṇa-bhakata-śaraṇa, (repeat) tyaji-jāti-kula-mān ||  7


sampada tava śrīpada, bhava-goṣpada vāri-yathāy |

premārpaṇa sama-daraśana, (repeat) jaga-jana-dukha-jāy ||  8

(Repeat last two lines faster)


namo namo prabhu vākya manātīta (repeat)

mano vachanai-kādhār; Prabhu mano vachanai-kādhār |

jyotira-jyoti ujvala hṛdi kandara (repeat)

tumi tamo-bhañjana-hār; Prabhu tumi tamo-bhañjana-hār ||  9


dhe dhe dhe laṅga raṅga bhaṅga bāje aṅga saṅga mṛdaṅgaX2

gāyichhe chhanda bhakata-vṛnda ārati tomār (repeat)

jaya jaya ārati tomār, hara-hara ārati tomār, śiva-śiva ārati tomār.


khanḍana-bhava-bandhana, jaga-vandana vandi tomāy.


Jay Śrī Guru Mahārāj jī kī jay!

    ॥ श्रीरामकृष्ण आरति॥


खण्डन भव बन्धन जग वन्दन वन्दि तोमाय।
निरञ्जन नर-रूप-धर निर्गुण गुणमय॥


मोचन अघदूषण जगभूषण चिद्घनकाय।
ज्ञानाञ्जन-विमल-नयन वीक्षणे मोह जाय॥


भास्वर भाव-सागर चिर-उन्मद प्रेम-पाथार।
भक्तार्जन-युगल चरण तारण-भव-पार॥


जृम्भित-युग-ईश्वर जगदीश्वर योगसहाय।
निरोधन समाहितमन निरखि तव कृपाय॥


भञ्जन-दुःखगञ्जन करुणाघन कर्म-कठोर।
प्राणार्पण जगत-तारण कृन्तन-कलिडोर॥


वञ्चन-कामकाञ्चन अतिनिन्दित-इन्द्रियराग।
त्यागीश्वर हे नरवर देहपदे अनुराग॥


निर्भय गतसंशय दृढ़निश्चय-मानसवान।
निष्कारण-भकत-शरण त्यजि जाति-कुल-मान॥


सम्पद तव श्रीपद भव-गोष्पद-वारि यथाय।
प्रेमार्पण समदरशन जगजन-दुःख जाय॥


नमो नमो प्रभु वाक्य-मनातीत मनोवचनैकाधार।
ज्योतिर ज्योति उजल-हृदिकन्दर तुमि तमो-भञ्जन हार॥


धे धे धे लङ्ग रङ्ग भङ्ग बाजे अङ्ग सङ्ग मृदङ्ग
गाहिछे छन्द भकतवृन्द आरति तोमार॥


जय जय आरति तोमार, हर हर आरति तोमार,

शिव शिव आरति तोमार॥


खण्डन भव बन्धन जग वन्दन वन्दि तोमाय॥
जय श्रीगुरुमहाराज जी कि जय॥



1. Breaker of the bondage of worldly existence,

    Thou adored of all the worlds, we salute Thee,

    Spotless Thou art, though clad in human form,

    Absolute Thou art, yet infinite art Thy glories.


2. Remover of sin’s defilement, the universe is Thy ornament,

    Thy body is verily spirit condensed.

    Thine eyes are bright with the wisdom of God

    At Thy mere glance, all our delusion vanishes.


3. Thou effulgent Sea of spiritual emotions,

    Thou ever-turbulent Ocean of love,

    Thy blessed feet, own by Thy devotees,

    Carry them across the dark waters of the world.


4. Lord of the universe, Thou hast manifested as the Lord of this age

    And helpest us to attain union with Thee.

    Our minds wholly restrained and absorbed in Thee,

    We behold Thee by Thy grace.


5. Remover of sorrow’s indignity, Thou art compassion itself

    And awesome art Thine actions. By giving Thy life

    Thou hast severed the bonds of this iron age - Thou hast saved the world.


6. Shunning lust and gold and sense-joy ever-condemned

    Thou art the greatest of those who have renounced the world.

    O Man Supreme, grant us devotion at Thy feet.


7. Fearless art Thou and free from all doubts

    Thy mental resolve—adamantine in its certainty.

    Thou art refuge, for no reason, of all who adore Thee,

    Thou carest naught for their race, their lineage, honor or shame.


8. Holding Thy glorious feet as our treasure,

    We find the ocean of worldly existence a mere puddle left in the footprint of a cow.

    Thou givest love to all alike, O Same-sighted One


9. Salutation, Salutation, Lord!

    Beyond the grasp of speech and mind, Thou art yet their sole support.

    O Light of Light, illumining the cave of our hearts,

    Thou art the Destroyer and Remover of darkness.


Thy devotees gathered together, sing hymns with accompaniment in Thy adoration;

Victory! Victory! Adoration to Thee!

O Thou Remover of Ignorance, our adoration to Thee!

O Thou Transcendent, Auspicious One, to Thee our adoration!


     Breaker of the bondage of worldly existence,

    Thou adored of all the worlds, we salute Thee,

Victory to Sri Guru Maharaj!

Song 2  śri ramakshna stotram /

              Hymn to Sri Ramakrishna


              by Swami Vivekananda in Sanskrit

Om hrī ta tvaṁ-achalo, guṇajid-guṇeḍyo

naktaṁ divaṁ, sakaruṇaṁ, tava pāda padmam;

mohan-kashaṁ bahu-kṛtaṁ, na bhaje yato'ham

     tasmāt tvam-eva śaraṇaṁ, mama dīna-bandho.


bhaktir-bhagaś-cha bhajanaṁ, bhava-bheda-kāri

gac-chantyalaṁ, suvipulaṁ, gamanāya tattvam;

vak-trod-dhṛtopi hṛdi me, na cha bhāti kiñchit

     tasmāt tvam-eva śaraṇaṁ, mama dīna-bandho.


tejas-taranti tarasā, tvayi tṛpta tṛshṇā,

rāge kṛte, ṛta pathe, tvayi rāmakṛshṇe;

martyāmṛtaṁ, tava padaṁ, maraṇormi-nāśam

     tasmāt tvam-eva śaraṇaṁ, mama dīna-bandho.


kṛtyaṁ karoti kalushaṁ, kuhakānta kāri

shṇāntam śivam, suvimalam, tava nāma nātha;

yasmād-aham tvaśaraṇo, jagadeka gamya

     tasmāt tvam-eva śaraṇaṁ, mama dīna bandho.


Om sthāpakāya cha dharmasya, sarva dharma-svarūpiṇe;

avatāra-varishṭhāya rāmakṛshṇāya te namah.


Om namah śrī bhagavate rāmakṛshṇāya namo namah. 

Om namah śrī bhagavate rāmakṛshṇāya namo namah. 

Om namah śrī bhagavate rāmakṛshṇāya namo namah. 

    ॥ श्रीरामकृष्णस्तोत्रम् ॥

                                       -- स्वामी विवेकानन्द


ॐ ह्रीं ऋतं त्वमचलो गुणजिद्गुणेड्यो

नक्तं दिवं सकरुणं तव पादपद्मम् ।

मोहङ्कषं बहुकृतं न भजे यतोऽहं

            तस्मात्त्वमेव शरणं मम दीनबन्धो ॥ १॥


भक्तिर्भगश्च भजनं भवभेदकारि

गच्छंत्यलं सुविपुलं गमनाय तत्त्वम् ।

वक्त्रोद्धृतंतु हृदि मे न च भाति किंचित्

(वक्त्रोद्धृतोऽपि हृदये न मे)

            तस्मात्त्वमेव शरणं मम दीन बन्धो ॥ २॥


तेजस्तरंति तरसा त्वयि तृप्ततृष्णाः (त्वरितं त्वयि)

रागे कृते ऋतपथे त्वयि रामकृष्णे ।

मर्त्यामृतं तव पदं मरणोर्मिनाशं

            तस्मात्त्वमेव शरणं मम दीनबन्धो ॥ ३॥


कृत्यं करोति कलुषं कुहकांतकारि

ष्णांतं शिवं सुविमलं तव नाम नाथ ।

यस्मादहं त्वशरणो जगदेकगम्य

            तस्मात्त्वमेव शरणं मम दीनबन्धो ॥ ४॥


ॐ स्थापकाय च धर्मस्य सर्वधर्मस्वरूपिणे ।

      अवतार वरिष्ठाय रामकृष्णाय ते नमः ॥


        ॐ नमो भगवते रामकृष्णाय नमोऽनमो

        ॐ मो ते राकृष्णाय मोमो

        ॐ मो ते राकृष्णाय मोमो                            



Om Hrim! Thou art the True, the Imperturbable One,

Transcending the three Gunas and yet adored for Thy Virtues.

Inasmuch as I do not worship day and night with yearning

Thy compassionate lotus feet, which destroy all ignorance

Therefore, O Thou friend of the lowly, Thou art my only refuge.


Spiritual powers, reverence, and worship put an end

To this cycle of birth and death are enough indeed

To lead to the greatest Truth. But this, while finding utterance

Through the mouth is not all being brought home to my heart

Therefore, O Thou friend of the lowly, Thou art my only refuge.


If devotion is directed to Thee, O Ramakrishna, the way of the Divine Truth,

Then, with desires all fulfilled in Thee, they forthwith cross over this sea of Rajas,

Quelling the waves of death, for Thy feet art like nectar to the mortals.

Therefore, O Thou friend of the lowly, Thou art my only refuge.


O Thou dispeller of illusion, Thy name ending in ‘shna’,

Pure and auspicious, converts sinful to purity

Because, O Thou the only good of all beings, shelter have I none

Therefore, O Thou friend of the lowly, Thou art my only refuge.


Om, salutation to Thee, O Ramakrishna, who established Dharma, who is the personification of all Dharmas, and who is the best of Avataras.

Salutation to Thee, O Ramakrishna!

Song 3        nārāyaṇi stotram

          from Sri Sri Chandi XI:10-12 in Sanskrit


Om sarvamangala māngalye śive sarvārtha sādhike,

śaraṇye tryambake gauri nārāyaṇi namo'stu te.


sṛshṭi-sthiti-vināśānāṁ śaktibhūte sanātani,

guṇāśraye guṇamaye nārāyaṇi namo'stu te.


śaraṇāgata dīnārta paritrāṇa parāyaṇe,

sarvasyārti hare devi nārāyaṇi namo'stu te.


jaya nārāyaṇi namo'stu te, jaya nārāyaṇi namo'stu te,

jaya nārāyaṇi namo'stu te, jaya nārāyaṇi namo'stu te.


Jay Śrī Guru Maharāj jī kī jay!

Jay Mahāmayī kī jay!

Jay Swāmījī Maharāj jī kī jay!                   


         नारायणि स्तोत्रम्

सर्वमंगलमांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके ।
शरण्ये  त्र्यम्बके गौरी नारायणि नमोSस्तु ते ।१।
सृष्टिस्थितिविनाशानां शक्तिभूते सनातनि ।
गुणाश्रये गुणमये नारायणि नमोSस्तु ते ।२।
सर्वस्यार्तिहरे देवी नारायणि नमोSस्तु ते ।३।


जय नारायणि नमोSस्तु ते, जय नारायणि नमोSस्तु ते ।
जय नारायणि नमोSस्तु ते, जय नारायणि नमोSस्तु ते ।।


O the most auspicious among those that are auspicious!

O the One that grants the fulfillment of all prayers!.

O the One refuge of all!

To Thee, consort of Siva, known also as Tryambaka (three-eyed One) and Gauri,

To Thee, O Narayani, our salutations!


O Eternal One! Thou art the power that creates, sustains, and destroys the worlds.

On Thee objective nature rests and of Thy being is it continued.

To Thee, O Narayani, our salutations!


O Mother Divine, the Protector of those afflicted souls

Who surrender themselves to Thee!

O Thou, the dispeller of the miseries of all!

To Thee, O Narayani, our salutations!


To Thee, O Narayani, our salutations!

To Thee, O Narayani, our salutations!

To Thee, O Narayani, our salutations!

To Thee, O Narayani, our salutations!

Victory to Divine Mother!

Victory to Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna Deva!

Victory to Swamij Maharaj!

 Song 4         Sri Sarada Stotram

                       by Swami Abhedananda in Sanskrit



prakṛtiṁ paramāmabhayāṁ varadām,

nararūpa-dharāṁ janatāpa-harām

śaraṇā-gata sevaka-toshakarīm

praṇamāmi parāṁ jananīṁ jagatām.


I offer salutations to Sri Sarada Devi, who is the Mother of the Universe and who satisfies the wants of the devotees who surrender at Her feet, who is the primordial power of God, the remover of all fear, who grants boons to the devotees, and has taken human form to remove the afflictions of mankind.


guṇahīna-sutān aparādha-yutān,

kṛpayādya samuddhara moha-gatān

taraṇīṁ bhava-sāgara pārakarīm

praṇamāmi parām jananīm jagatām.


O Mother, please release your child who is devoid of merits, full of faults, and deluded by the power of Maya. O Sri Sarada Devi, the Mother of the Universe, and a boat to cross the ocean of this world, I offer my salutations to Thee.


vishayaṁ kusumaṁ parihṛtya sadā,

caraṇā-mburuhāmṛta śānti-sudhām

piba bhṛnga-mano bhava-roga-harām

praṇamāmi parām jananīṁ jagatām.

O bee in the form of my mind, give up sitting on the flowers of worldly pleasures and sip the nectar from the lotus of Mother's feet for getting rid of the disease of this world. O Sri Sarada Devi, the Mother of the Universe, I offer my salutations to you.

kṛpāṁ kuru mahādevi suteshu praṇateshu cha

caraṇā-śraya dānena kṛpā-mayi namo'stu te.


O Great Goddess, Sri Sarada Devi, please bestow your grace on me your child who has prostrated at your feet. Please give me refuge at your feet. I offer my salutations to Thee, O Compassionate One!


lajjā-paṭāvṛte nityaṁ sārade jnāna-dāyike

pāpebhyo nah sadā raksha kṛpā-mayi namo'stu te.


O Sarada! O giver of knowledge! O you who always cover yourself with the veil of modesty! O Compassionate One, please protect us always from all sins.


rāmakrishṇa-gata prāṇāṁ tannāma-śravaṇa-priyām

tadbhāva-ranjitā-kārāṁ praṇamāmi muhurmuhuh.


I bow down to Sri Sarada Devi, whose life was centered in Sri Ramakrishna, who took delight in listening to His Name, and who was always charged with devotion for Him.


pavitraṁ caritaṁ yasyāh pavitraṁ jīvanaṁ tathā

pavitratā-svarūpinyai tasyai kurmo namo-namah.


We offer our salutations to Sri Sarada Devi, whose life is absolutely pure, whose character was spotless - rather who was the embodiment of purity.


devīṁ prasannāṁ praṇatārti-hantrīm

yogīndra-pūjyāṁ yugadharma-pātrīm

tāṁ sāradāṁ bhakti-vijnāna-dātrīm

dayā-svarūpāṁ praṇamāmi nityam.


I bow to Sri Sarada Devi, the giver of devotion and knowledge, the Compassionate One, who is worthy of being worshipped by the master yogis, remover of the afflictions of the devotees who surrender at Her feet, the Devi who helped in establishing the religion of the age.

snehena badhnāsi mano'smadīyam

doshān-aśeshān saguṇī-karoshī

ahetunā no dayase sadoshān

svānke gṛhītvā yadidam vichitram.


You have tied our hearts by your affection in spite of our faults; you show compassion towards us by transforming our faults into merit, Mother, you are really wonderful!


prasīda mātar-vinayena yāche

nityaṁ bhava snehavatī suteshu

premaika binduṁ chiradagdha-chitte

vishiñcha chittaṁ kuru nah suśāntam.


Be gracious, O Mother, I beg you humbly, be always affectionate to your child, and make my ever-burning heart calm by sprinkling a drop of your motherly affection on me.

Om Jananīṁ sāradāṁ devīṁ rāmakṛshṇaṁ jagadgurum

pādapadme tayoh śritvā praṇamāmi muhurmuhuh.


I salute the Divine Mother Sri Sarada Devi and Sri Ramakrishna, the Guru of the world. Taking shelter at their lotus feet, I bow down to them again and again.



For Musical scores given below

Credit goes to: Vedanta Society of Southern California

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