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Some Social questions asked by students.

Does your religion celebrate any particular holidays?

We have many festivals, but those may not be holidays.

● Does your religion require you to wear specific clothing? 

Monks were Ocre cloths. There are no restrictions on clothing.

● Are you required to wear specific clothing when in service?

● Do you have to follow a specific diet?

● Where in the world is your religion practiced?

● How does your religion perform marriage ceremonies?

● How does your religion perform last rites/funerals?

● How does your religion view the afterlife?

● How is a follower of your religion allowed into the afterlife?

● Does your religion have a God/Gods/or Deities?

● If your religion is polytheistic, how many Gods/Deities are there?

● How does your religion view/treat women?

● How does your religion view other religions?

● How does your religion view Jesus Christ?

● Are there any specific prophets/spiritual leaders in your religion?

● What are your religions' sins and virtues?

● How does your religion view caffeine, alcohol, and tattoos?

● How does your religion view the LGBTQIA+ community?

● Do people ever get ‘kicked out’/excommunicated from your religion? If so, why and how?

● What was it like for you growing up/being involved in your religion?

● Are there practices you have a difficult time following?

● Is there a specific reason you believe in your religion?

● How do your beliefs affect your everyday life?

● What type of places of worship does your religion have?

● How do your beliefs affect your views of the government?

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